Our church had the great honor of hosting and being the launch location of the Ride:Well Tour. In a nutshell, this is a group of mostly college students raising money and awareness for Blood:Water Mission, who desires to empower communities to work together against the AIDS/HIV and water crisis in Africa. There were two tour groups; one heading to the Northwest and the other heading across the entire USA to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. They will bike an average of 80 miles each day.
Hearing them share and observing them preparing to leave was incredible. Many of them haven't trained all that much. They aren't seasoned cyclists. They simply heard the story, heard the mission and heard from God that they were to go. They were obedient to Him and raised the funds needed. One of the leaders shared with me that they had already raised $50,000 for Blood:Water Mission. As they travel, they will stay in churches and speak whenever they can to share their story and encourage others to give, to participate. Did you know that just $1 will provide clean water for one person for an entire year? Clean water should NOT be an issue in any country.
They were excited and nervous. Many of them had never done anything like this before. It was evident on their faces.
The motto of Venture Expeditions which organizes the tour is "benefit the world, discover your soul." This is just what the team members hoped to do. I could sense it in their spirits. They wanted to make a difference, but their soul needed this too.
God has been whispering a word into my own soul. The murmerings have been ther for a while. I think I first heard the word echo in my soul at Catalyst. I heard it loud and clear this morning.
I want my life to have significance. I want to do things of signifiance. I don't want it to be just about me, my comfort, my little house in a family-oriented neighborhood, driving my minivan. That's not enough. Nor is it a legacy I want for my children.
I know that when I do things that benefit the world, even if it's my small world, I do discover my soul.
These cyclists, they embarked upon something significant. Significant for the part of Africa who will recieve the wells and health aid. Significant for their souls, as they discover what it means to lay down their cross and follow Christ; what it means to deny themselves; what it truly means to acheive the impossible; to do all things through Christ who gives them strength. The list could go on and on. How I longed for the transformations they will experience along their journey.
In college, when God spoke to my heart and the hearts of several others to take students to Mexico, we obeyed. Hundreds of junior high and high school students came to Mexico over the course of several years. And many have gone on to other missions and to be involved in ministry. That was significant.
Just because I'm married, with children and a job doesn't mean I can't do things of significance. But I have to listen. To hear the call of God and be ready to obey, no matter how big a step of faith it may take.
Thank you Ride:Well Tour, for being a megaphone to my soul, that it's not about me, it's about Him. As one of my ministry mentors has said, I want it to matter in the heavens that I was there. Wherever "there" may be.
As the service concluded and the cyclists wheeled their bikes from the front of the church, preparing to leave, I sprinted to get my children. I wanted to beat the long lines at the check-out computers. I needed Miss Rose and Gracie to experience this. They may not understand it all now, but one day they will. I was thrilled to explain to them who these cyclists were and what they were doing and why. It sparked a conversation with Miss Rose about why wells were needed in Africa and the beginnings of her understanding the privileged life she leads.
If God allows, when my children are older, I fully intend to take them overseas for a month or more during a summer. To live and minister with a missionary family. That is part of the legacy I want to leave. Because through that they will see my heart for missions, and maybe God will speak to their heart as well.
I'm not satisfied with the ordinary. I'm not satisfied with the picket fence. I'm so grateful for what God has given and the answered prayers our home and minivan do represent.
But I know there is more.
There is greater significance that God has planned for me and my family.
I'm listening.
Are you?
Bikes lined the lobby.
And they're off!
Heading down our long church driveway.
7 years ago