I'm sitting in the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, waiting to come home. I've been at Tommy Barnett's Pastor's School. Our group took a coach bus--but Bean agreed to letting me fly home as it will get me home 5-6 hours earlier than if I traveled on the bus. This pastor is committed to her call and her job (thus traveling without my family) but this mom is anxious to get home. So anxious in fact, I failed to take into consideration the location of our hotel in respect to the airport, and the taxi ride cost just about as much as my ticket. Live and learn. Hopefully Bean feels the same way after hearing the cost.
Pastor's School was a wonderful experience. It's inspiring and challenging. Probably one of the things I enjoyed the most was getting to be in a service, worship whole-heartedly, listen to an entire message, without needing to attend to a matter, check on something or be interrupted by a need. Pastors rarely get to sit through entire church service! God used Pastor's School to confirm things he's already been doing in me personally, as well as direction for my duties at church.
This was a huge step for me. Leaving my family. Leaving my husband with three children to care for. Leaving my BABY. Figuring out bottles and breastmilk and pumping. I never left Miss Rose or Gracie overnight until they were 18+ months. But I did it. I knew it was the right thing. I knew we would make it. And we did!! My family did well without me, and I had a great experience.
I will say, being a working, traveling, still nursing mother brings new meaning to the word dedication! It's not for the weak. We spent 12+ hours at the conference site each day. That was me, carrying around a purse and an extra bag holding my breastpump. Since we were at a church, thankfully I found a nursing mothers room late the first day. Keeping pumped milk cold, making sure I kept my supply up so I won't have trouble returning to nursing. Although Lily has taken her bottles well, I'm hoping she'll be as happy to return to nursing as I will be.
That's not to mention the preparations before I left.
While I was gone, Miss Rose participated in her first jogathon! While running 19 laps, which Bean estimates to be close to 5 miles, she also lost her first tooth. Lost it not only from her mouth, but in general. She didn't notice at which point it came out. How's that for a milestone!
I'm almost home!
7 years ago