But here are our oldest and youngest, turning 7 and 2.
Lily, telling you that she's "2"
Crazy kiddos! (our buddy Bear is in a tux, because he was going to a fancy party after ours)
Favorite activity lately: Plasma Cars.
This one isn't ours, but I actually bought each girl one for her birthday this year and they will arrive this year. Gracie will be getting an early birthday present. The kids fight over these and they go up to 200lbs, so they'll last a long time.
She absolutely reveled in her birthday song and I was really surprised that she blew out the candles on her own!
Miss Rose's cupcakes
(I'm also happy to say, I'm getting closer and closer to replicating my favorite icing from a local bakery. It's one of my most important life goals. Once I perfect it, I'll share the recipe.) Notice the creative carrying boxes--a team effort by Bean & I. A postal shipping box and toy box with the tops cut off. Pretty good when you don't want to spend the $$ for a cupcake carrier!
Birthday girl hiding behind her cupcakes at school.
Fro Yo on her birthday night!
We have a fun yogurt shop down the hill from us that has a huge screen playing kids movies.
The highlight of her birthday gifts...Paper Jamz.
I must say, I am pretty impressed with this toy. All the girls love playing with it. I'm pretty sure this photo was taken prior to 7am the morning after her birthday.
Sweet Lily Cate's birthday cookie!
Me and my last baby. *tear*
Miss Rose & besties
notice the cousins, in their matching purple skinny jeans :)
The golfing gang
Can you tell why I was tired??
Miss Rose and Lily loved it all and felt special and that's what really matters!