Here's some words, to match the photos here, telling you what's been going on around here.
It's just everyday life, but everyday has so much in it!
Lily is flexing her personality more and more these days. She loves trying to copy her sisters and also pestering them a bit. They do their fair share of provoking her too.
Bean surprised me with a Lisa Leonard necklace on Valentine's Day. We hadn't really talked about exchanging gifts, and we're trying to be really good about our budget, but Bean always blows the budget on me. I'm blessed!! The crazy thing is that for a year or maybe more, whenever I enter giveaways for LL designs, I always note the Heartstrings necklace as my favorite. Bean didn't know that. He spent 30 minutes deciding which necklace to order, and that's what he chose. How well does he know me??
Around the necklace is our wedding date, and each girls' name. I've worn it a lot already. Gracie thinks its neat that her name is on it and always asks which one is her name. Both the little girls love handling the necklace when it's on me. Something that makes it even more special to me. And perfect that its sturdy and I don't have worry about it breaking. I'm a happy camper with two Lisa Leonard necklaces in my possession now. And I predict someday, there will be more. Cause I just love so many of them!
Miss Rose started softball. She's so cute in her uniform! She has an awesome coach who has done tons of little things to make it extra fun for the girls. Last year she played Little League, with boys and girls--so this is something new to be playing with all girls. We roasted during her first game...and then last week her game was rained out and it looks like this week will be the same. Booo!!!
Lily was sick, again, over the weekend. 4 days of fever and awful diapers. I was concerned her double ear infections flared up again--she was actually complaining about her ear--so I spent 3 hours in urgent care late one night, to find out her ears were fine. Maybe she had a headache. Anyhow, she's better now and eating again.
Gracie got a robe from her cousin. Which she loves wearing! She wears it to bed a lot of nights. So cute. And sometimes she wears it when we take Ella to school. And sometimes she's grumpy because she doesn't want to leave the house. I don't blame her.
I dyed my hair. Not permanent, but it will last a while. A dark brown/red/auburn color. It's something different and I like it!
It's taking me a while to get through the last part of this book. It's not something to be read lightly. I love absorbing it. Digesting it. Something that's hard to do when you're super tired. I'm still working on my list, although writing them down has been slow going. It's still having a tremendous impact on my life.
Bean and I are taking part in a marriage discipleship group meeting four times this year. Our first meeting was last week and it was a wonderful experience. It's different from anything we've done before--and not something we'd normally participate it--but we are so glad we decided to do it. I have a few things I hope to share soon from it.
That's some very random things from our neck of the woods!
7 years ago