Thursday, July 1, 2010

a timely word

I have lived for Jesus my whole life.  I have been a minister of his word for almost 10 years now.  You'd think I would have a lot of things figured out.  But I am reminded again and again, I don't.  And that's how God likes it.  Sometimes as Christians, we think we should reach this place of "nirvana".  A point in life where we have it pretty much figured out.  We love God, we love our neighbors and we love ourselves and things in life go smoothly.  But Jesus told his disciples, "in this world you will have trouble."  If you look at the life of Paul, his trials never stopped.  And he rejoiced in them.

So instead of beating ourselves up, instead of feeling like we've done something wrong, instead of feeling like we have failed, we must learn to embrace the trials and tests of faith.  They serve as a mark of growth.  A reminder to rely completely and wholly on God.  A sign that we must continue to surrender to our Maker.

As I pray and watch and wait over situations and circumstances in my life and the lives of family and friends, I remind myself this is how it's supposed to be.  It signifies growth.

I read a timely word this morning.  Onc which I will be emailing a few friends today, and would like to share with you also.

My words...will come true at their proper time. [Luke 1:20]

What the Lord has said...will be accomplished.  [Luke 1:45]

The Lord is sure to accomplish those things
A loving heart has waited long to see;
Those words will be fulfilled to which she clings,
Because her God has promised faithfully;
And, knowing Him, she ne'er can doubt His Word;
He speaks and it is done.  The mighty Lord!

The Lord is sure to accomplish those things,
O burdened heart, rest ever in His care;
In quietness beneath His shadowing wings
Await the answer to your longing prayer
When you have "cast your cares" the heart then sings,
The Lord is sure to accomplish those things

The Lord is sure to accomplish those things,
O tired heart, believe and wait and pray;
Peacefully, the evening chime still rings,
Though cloud and rain and storm have filled the day
Faith pierces through the mist of doubt that bars
The coming night sometimes, and finds the stars

The Lord is sure to accomplish those things,
O trusting heart, the Lord to you has told;
Let Faith and Hope arise, and lift their wings,
To soar toward the sunrise clouds of gold;
The doorways of the rosy dawn swing wide
Revealing joys the darkness of night did hide.
[Bessie Porter]

Matthew Henry said, "We can depend on God to fulfill His promise, even when all the roads leading to it are closed.  'For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ.  And so through him the "Amen" [so be it] is spoken by us to the glory of God [2 Cor. 1:20]

From Streams in the Desert.
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