Monday, May 31, 2010

being a kid

I've been trying to snap more candid photos of the kids lately.
I've realized that's a great way to capture the really great photos. It's just about snapping a lot of photos, and deleteing the duds. And in the midst, you just might find the great ones!
Someday I'll mess around with the colors, but here are some great ones I got today in raw form.
Gracie and her buddy Bear. Gracie was chasing the tail of a kite. Bear was chasing her!

Such pure abandon.

Reaching up.

The target!

Also, I realize I've been neglecting my blog a bit, or at least not posting as frequently.
Life has been busy as always and I've tried to do a better of job of blogging my life, when I can; not trying to live to blog. Does that make sense?
I'm looking forward to summer, when things will be a bit slower and there aren't so many deadlines and things to do. Even though my work stays the same, it's going to be some much needed downtime for the family.
God's been at work in my life and heart some, and sometimes I have trouble blogging in the midst of that. I need to let God work, while I process it. I'm sure I'll try to share some of it as time goes on. It's good. God is always good!

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