One day I would like to having a blogging schedule. Maybe even to get away to a coffee shop a few times a month to write more blogs in advance, or at least begin them. Because I really do enjoy blogging. I enjoy the creativity in writing (although I don't have too much time to be creative these days). I love documenting these days and years in our family's life. I still haven't started Lily's baby book. When I finally do, I'll have to refer to this blog for many of her milestones.
But for now, for today, it's a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
We're continuing to enjoy our summer and plan to make the most of the weeks we have left. A friend invited us to join her at a timeshare in the desert for a few days next week. Bean is going to take a few days off and we'll enjoy the hot, hot sun, the pools and lazy river. So far, Lily hates the pool. I'm hoping she'll start to change her mind, enjoying the warm weather and pool water, and maybe a kiddie pool won't be so intimidating.
I'm taking an actual week off later in August and we'll hang out, hit the pool and beach as much as possible and a few other activities.
Speaking of pools, which require bathing suits, I bought a new one that was on sale. It's very cute. Me in the bathing suit, not as cute as I'd like. I'm attempting a personal boot camp for the next several days before we go! I always like a goal to work towards, so perhaps this is the ticket. Today, I ran 3 miles in the morning and 2.5 miles this evening. It's difficult to have a large chunk of time to run, but splitting it up like that really helped. In fact, I probably could have kept going this evening, but I didn't. Tomorrow will be arms and abs.
We are working on a lot of discipline issues with Miss Rose. In talking with various friends with daughters of a similar age, I'm not alone. Apparently many 6yr olds have attitudes, are disrespectful and not very compliant. These books are on my to-read list: Have A New Kid By Friday, The Strong-Willed Child, Bringing Up Girls and Positive Discipline. Now if someone would like to offer to come manage my household for a week, I might be able to actually read them.
Gracie, she is turning much more into a little girl this summer. I already miss "toddler Gracie." She's recently exhibited an ability to get herself worked up over small things and "make herself" cry. And once she gets started, she has difficulty stopping. Just tonight I suddenly noticed these alligator tears rolling down her face with no warning. When I inquired as to why she was crying, she cited a disciplinary incident 20 minutes prior.
I have so many fun photos from our summer so far. Again, back to that dedicated blogging time, that doesn't exist. But as I've said before, I don't live to blog, I simply blog life when I can. And instead of posting photos, I'm going to go hang out with my husband. He's pretty cool.
7 years ago