Thursday, April 8, 2010

home sweet home

I feel like I haven't been home in almost two weeks.  I have been at my house and slept in my bed many of those nights.  But I haven't really been home.  I've been moving from event to event, checking things off my to-do list.  As soon as one thing was finished, it was on to preparing for the next thing.  From new ministries I'm launching, to Good Friday and Easter festivities, to birthday parties and traveling with a 1 yr old. 

But now, I'm home.  And it feels so good.  Lily seems pretty happy to be home too, after traveling with me the last three days.  I can focus on the things of home.  Catching up on life, on time with the children, on cooking and groceries.  Bean does such a great job of keeping things going when I'm gone that it's easy to pick up again.

Sleeping in my own bed last night was glorious.  I didn't wake up once, unlike sleeping in a hotel room with a baby in a pack and play next to you.  Lily had some difficulty staying asleep early in the night, but once she was out, she slept until 7am, a somewhat late hour for her.  She was actually still dozing when I went in to get her, and probably would have continued to if I didn't have to get her up for school drop-off.  In fact, when I first reached in to get her, she shook her head (her favorite method of communication lately).  "No Mama, I'm so happy to be in my bed, I'd like to stay here."

I'm embracing and enjoying the mundane today.  There is nothing like a few weeks of busyness to help one glory in the day to day duties of homemaking and childraising.

I have so much blogging I hope to catch up on.  Cute stories, fun photos, recording the milestones of our lives.   Stay tuned!
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